The job of tank welder requires extensive training before it can be practised. The condition for exercising it is to be admitted to a CAP trades foundry or metal mould tooling. However, it is difficult to get employed in this trade. This trade requires a certain amount of skill. Find out how to get enrolled?
Training in a metalworking industry
Some higher education schools with links to industry, can get a practical work placement in workshops for their learners. You can access more news at Equipped with the facilities to carry out melting, welding, repair of defective parts of heavy vehicles, these places are suitable for completing your apprenticeship. You will be able to apply the knowledge gained during your training. Again, a good command of welding practices on tanks is very useful to have a chance to get a job. So, make the most of the internship period.
Doing a practical training in the army
After completing a welding course, it is important to do a practical training period. For those hoping to find a job as a tank welder, the army is probably one of the best places to do an internship. This can take the place of military service. So you should not expect to work on tanks immediately.
On the other hand, in the army's welding workshops, the trainees can, after some time, start practising on old tanks that are no longer used. There, specific training in tank handling can be given to those who wish to do so. The quality of the course and the seriousness of the trainee are decisive. The army staff can, after a thorough study, recruit him. Please note that tanks are heavy equipment in the army. The tank welder is therefore required to have an excellent command of welding.