With the sheer volume of information on the web every day, we come across news about hacked servers, downed sites and hacked information. There are many ways to hack and DDoS attacks are one example.
DDDoS attacks: what are they?
DDoS, Distributed Denial of Service, in English, are distributed denial of service attacks. The aim of these attacks is to bring down servers or even personal computers and this can happen, for example, by overloading, ensuring that no server resources are available for use. If you search for a perfect anti ddos protection, click here. In short, DDoS attacks aim to attack one of the three pillars of information security: integrity, availability and confidentiality. For this attack to be considered a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, the cooperation of several attackers is required. The main targets of these attacks are e-commerce and businesses that depend directly and indirectly on the provision of online services.
DDoS attacks: how to protect yourself
There is no way to know when you will suffer a DDoS attack, so if you have a blog, website or even pages on the web, you should always be aware of it. Here we will suggest 2 ways to protect yourself against DDoS attacks.
Tip 1: Invest in broadband
The tip is basic, but very important. The bandwidth you choose for your server will determine the maximum data transfer capacity. This is because when users make requests to your site, that bandwidth is consumed between them. In other words, the more bandwidth you have, the more traffic you can receive at the same time.
Tip 2: Use a firewall to redirect malicious requests
A firewall is a security tool that analyses and filters user requests on web pages. When repetitions of the same request are found, for example, the firewall directs these requests to a secondary server so that there is no risk of overloading the main server of a given site. Therefore, for those who have web pages with a high traffic flow, the firewall is essential.